Outpatient Mental Health Program

Madrone Mental Health Services desires to serve individuals suffering from mild to severe mental and behavioral health issues.
Therapists are trained in and employ evidence-based practices to support individual, familial or couples growth. Therapy includes a mixture of Cognitive Behavior Therapy, Dialectical Behavior Therapy, Family Systems Theory, Motivational Interviewing, and Mindfulness Practices. Our services are designed to be targeted, effective, and collaborative. Clients will work with the therapist to identify a specific goal to focus on during therapy and develop a treatment plan to achieve that goal. Our therapists are trained to engage clients from the first session in an action-based therapy. Clients can expect to practice skills that will allow them to manage their thoughts, behaviors, and emotions when they are no longer in therapy. At MMH, the goal is to help all clients become emotionally, cognitively, and behaviorally self-reliant.